The Liebster Award !!

You know your work is going on good when you get nominated for Liebster Award [an award that exists only on the internet, and is given to bloggers by other bloggers] !! Yaayy ❤ My sweet fellow blogger friend Msmeehnia nominated me and I  feel so  content right now . I would like to mention that she encouraged me a lot by nominating me for this award, I still believe that I am a fresher in this field but in less time getting recognition is truly unbelievable. I  want to thank all my followers for the constant appreciation, love and support without you all this could not have been possible. [  Hugs and kisses ❤ ]

Thank you  Msmeehnia again, love you extra ❤liebster-blog-award

For those of you who are wondering what liebster award let me write it for you..

It Is an award that is given to share and discover blogs that you feel deserves some extra recognition. This method encourages new bloggers to step forward and make them recognized more.

Rules to be followed:-

-Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you .

-Answer the 11 questions that blogger gives you

-Nominate 5-11 bloggers that you think are deserving of the award (My Request – Please make sure you link them so other readers can reach them easily.)

-Let the bloggers know you nominated them

-Give them 11 questions of your own

Let’s begin 🙂 

 Question  presented by msmeehnia for me :-

1] What made you start your blogging?

My unconditional love for makeup made me start my own blog.

2]Your favourite pass time?

Watch Youtube video’s , snapchat and stalk my  favorite bloggers 😉

3]Your favourite sport?

Badminton and Koko

4]Your favourite dish?

Irani rice made by my mom .

5]Ever faced a heartbreak? How did you get through?

Thankfully as of now I dint face any !

6]Your happy place?

My room with laptop and makeup stuff.

7]Your inspiration usually comes from?

They are not one but too many beauty bloggers who have inspired me, this particular question might take a lot of space if I start naming these bloggers 😉

8]Any incident that made you cry but now when look back you laugh on it?

*Chuckles* they are many, one particular was when I was in standard eight my finals were going on  and as I was writing my paper in examination hall, a hall where there is pin drop silence. As soon as I saw the question paper, my excitement was in peak and I clapped as the questions were easy. Everyone stared at  me  as if I am out of the world human including invigilator, therefore was quite embarrassed.

After that whenever  i enter an  examination hall I  remember this incident and it gives a light smile on my face.

9]Any funny story you’d like to share?

I do remember one funny incident which happened with my cousin when he was  a little  child. His exams were going to begin and his mom instructed him that before submitting the paper don’t forget to check if there are any mistakes.

First day of exam, he wrote and returned back home. His  mom asked ‘ did you check  your paper before submitting’ he said’ yes’ , then his mom  asked ‘did you find any mistake?’ he replied that ‘yes I found but I dint correct them as its teachers job to do that’ . LOL 😛

10]Advice for fellow bloggers?

If you are passionate about something then you need donate your precious time in making it recognized, be regular and connect with your followers as they are the ones who will help you grow .There is no shortcut made  for success .

11]Minimum time in which you can get your COMPLETE makeup on?

20Mins !


These questions were real fun msmehnia , enjoyed answering them !!

Thank you again ❤

Following are my nominees :-

Mrs. Strawberry blonde

Pinkshopholic dairy





Theconfessions of a wanderer







My questions:-

1] Where do you reside ?

2] Are you spontaneous planner or someone who takes time to plan something?

3] Who is your inspiration ?

4] Eyebrows or lipstick? Which one would you choose if you are in a rush!

5] how would your friends describe you?

6]what was the best phase of your life?

7] ideal weekend for you is..?

8] what would like to change about yourself ?

9] Perfect shoes or Perfect jewelry ?

10] Favorite pass time ?

11]  If genie granted you 3 wishes , what would you wish for ?

Here are my 11 questions for my nominees ,Remember guys this is an amazing way to encourage each other . I really feel glad to be a part of this award which helps to connect with each other .

Let’s start helping each other grow !! Keep inspiring my loves 🙂

hope you all like it !

Connect with me further on,

INSTAGRAM:- beautyaffair101





17 thoughts on “The Liebster Award !!

  1. Congratulations and thank you for the nomination. I don’t have the time to do an awards post any time soon, but in the spirit of getting to know each other better, I’d like to answer your questions:

    1] Where do you reside ?
    London, UK

    2] Are you spontaneous planner or someone who takes time to plan something?
    It depends. I can be both. Whatever the situation requires. 🙂

    3] Who is your inspiration ?
    Everyone and no one. I have to say again that it depends… career? Personal life? Other? I really don’t know because there’s no one who I’d want to swap lives with.

    4] Eyebrows or lipstick? Which one would you choose if you are in a rush!
    Ha! Easy! Lipstick!

    5] how would your friends describe you?
    You should ask them! 😀 They’d say I’m tall, funny, irritating, caring, loud and secretive. You see, I’m totally balanced. 🙂

    6]what was the best phase of your life?
    I hope the best is yet to come!

    7] ideal weekend for you is..?
    Doing nothing at all. Not answering the phone, playing dead when someone rings the doorbell… just doing nothing at all.

    8] what would like to change about yourself ?
    On a good day, nothing at all. On a bad day, quite a lot. Realistically, I’d like my body to be more toned. I’m not overweight or anything, but I have zero muscle. I’d like to change that.

    9] Perfect shoes or Perfect jewelry ?
    Difficult! I never cared for jewellery, and I’ve got size 9 feet, so all those pretty shoes aren’t available in my size anyway. But I think I’d go for perfect shoes.

    10] Favorite pass time ?
    Blogging and connecting with fellow bloggers. ♥ I can write about what I want, I can say what I want, I can get in touch with other people… and the best thing is that I don’t have to dress up for that.

    11] If genie granted you 3 wishes , what would you wish for ?
    I really don’t know. I guess the first wish would unlimited wishes, right? 😉

    I hope you enjoyed reading my answers. I certainly enjoyed your answers to Ms Meehnia’s questions. 🙂

    Again, thank you for the nomination. It’s so lovely you thought of me.

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